20 ON 20 // Shayna Lloyd
When I was waiting in line at the DMV -- and who knew cool things could happen in the line at DMV??? -- I met the young woman below. She is just as adorable and personable IRL as she is on youtube.
Shayna is younger than my youngest child, so of course I had that momentary feeling of being an old hag. That said, I have always enjoyed getting to know people of all ages and this newly-21 woman was certainly worth meeting! In her video on what her year of being 20 meant for her, she touches on something that I think is very wise and really quite profound. (Happens around the 7-minute mark).
She talks about saying, "YES" to life. YES to opportunities for experiences. YES YES YES! In many ways, I personally have really stunk at saying YES to things. I'm a chicken of a special order and the limits of my experiences show that. Moving to Montana was one of the biggest yesses ever for me, and look what it has brought me! The opportunity to meet some really interesting people!
Shayna is younger than my youngest child, so of course I had that momentary feeling of being an old hag. That said, I have always enjoyed getting to know people of all ages and this newly-21 woman was certainly worth meeting! In her video on what her year of being 20 meant for her, she touches on something that I think is very wise and really quite profound. (Happens around the 7-minute mark).
She talks about saying, "YES" to life. YES to opportunities for experiences. YES YES YES! In many ways, I personally have really stunk at saying YES to things. I'm a chicken of a special order and the limits of my experiences show that. Moving to Montana was one of the biggest yesses ever for me, and look what it has brought me! The opportunity to meet some really interesting people!
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